How to make telescope iPhone mount or adapter. (DIY)
Or how to make smartphone telescope adapter or mount.
1. Take a plastic bottle cover as shown in below image.
2. Make sure it fits your telescope eyepiece.
3. Cut a hole or square in the bottle cover.
4. Take a iPhone or smartphone case as below.
5. Stick or glue the cover on camera hole of cover.
6. Make sure the camera lens is centered.
7. Let the glue dry. And check out eyepiece of telescope when glue is dry.
8. Insert the iPhone or smartphone into case.
9. Phone looks like below image when inserted. Put it on telescope.
10. Use rubber-bands to tighten or hold it on telescope.
11. Telescope iPhone/Smartphone adapter or mount is ready as in below image.
How to make a Telescope Camera Adapter?
1. Check camera dimensions.
2. Use techniques as listed above with similar steps.
3. Make sure do do not get glue on lenses in any case.
4. Add your own innovations as applicable.
Enjoy your astrophotography telescope camera.
Similarly you can build a microscope and binocular iPhone or smartphone adapter mount.
Below video of moon through clouds was taken with iPhone/smartphone telescope adapter/mount shown above. Original Hi Den video was highly sharp and very stable. Movement of clouds clearly visible. you can also sense the moon moving slightly due to rotation of earth with its viewpoint, not due to vibrations.